Weightloss and Sleep – Biohacking Solutions

Healthy living is a worthy goal. We all strive for it but is it obtainable? Seems there are too many does and don’t to know and keep up with to sustain a healthy lifestyle. When you sift it all out a few facts come to the top and I will help you to simplify your journey to weightloss biohacking solutions that are sustainable. Weightloss and Sleep are two topics that are undeniably connected to your health, well-being, and weight loss.

Weightloss and Sleep – The Connection

The connection is undeniable. One study of two weeks found that overweight people sleeping 5 1/2 hours a night lost more non-fat mass than fat while on a mildly calorie-restricted diet. Meanwhile, overweight people who got 8 1/2 hours of sleep lost more fat. That is just one study, there are hundreds of studies with varying statistics but the basic fact is that poor or little sleep has a profound effect on your health in multiple ways and weight loss is a big factor.

Lack of Sleep Consequences

Sleeping less than seven hours a night on a regular basis has many adverse health outcomes. Here is a short list: hypertension, heart disease and stroke, depression, diabetes, impaired immune function, increased pain, and obesity.

Quality sleep is necessary for the hours you sleep. Healthy sleep consists of duration, quality, appropriate timing, and regularity. The decision to make improvements is the first step but knowing there is a proven formula that can give you the edge needed to move toward healthy sleep. Healthy sleep leads not only to the beginning of reversing some health risks but also to the fact that weight loss is absolutely possible. With weight loss comes another array of positive health benefits.

Biohacking is Your Solution! – Weightloss and Quality Sleep

If you are like most of us, quality sleep doesn’t just happen. We have eaten poorly, are sleep deprived, nutrient deficient, and do not have the time to wait for it to all fall into place to get into a good sleep pattern, which could take months. That is where biohacking plays an important role in getting ourselves on the right track and moving toward our goals. There is a simple solution that is immediately available.

This biohacking solution promotes a nighttime renewing formula that promotes quality sleep and supports healthy weight management. This formula naturally assists with deep relaxation and optimal body composition, while providing many of the benefits of rigorous exercise while you sleep.

The benefits of physical activity are well documented. However, science has found a way to get many of the benefits of exercise, known as exercise factors, without long hours and intense effort. For your best sleep and weight management support, we all need this biohacking formula, Found Here.

Healthy Eating & Craving Control

Healthy Eating is easier than you think. When you weigh all the options of what to add and what to eliminate it gets so complicated that you want to give up before you begin. I am not a nutritionist or a doctor so I am not going to go all scientific on you. I have researched, personally talked to many doctors, and nutritionists, and listened to more podcasts than I care to admit on healthy eating.

There is great information out there, but our time is limited to listening and deciphering what you really need to do that is sustainable as a daily routine. I have heard several times that the word diet has the word “die” in it! That should tell you something.

We need help controlling our cravings, boosting our metabolism, and
supporting a healthy weight and body composition.

Start your Success Journey with these 2 Products:
1 – Sleep and Slim & 2 – Thermo (Something Extra)

Remember it takes 21 days to form a habit
Commit to a 90-day program for Your Success.
With these Bio Hacking products, success is waiting for you.

Tip No. 1

We need to realize we need to understand that the average diet we consume is not very healthy, we need help getting back on track and truly staying there. Watch the videos above to grasp the biohacking solution that is available right now!!!

Tip No. 2

After all these years I have come to a very strong conclusion: when you decide it is time to eat healthy the main thing to keep in foremost on your mind when shopping, cooking, and eating is that anything you put in your mouth needs to be as close to nature as possible. Our bodies were not created to eat processed foods.

Take green beans, for example, fresh out of your garden and to your mouth would have the greatest health benefits. If that is not possible then from a local farmers market, next fresh from the produce department, next would be frozen, next canned, and last would be a prepared dish with added ingredients such as cheese food, pasta, and preservatives. See the progression from fresh and full of nutrients to overcooked, processed, and probably irradiated and virtually no nutrition left in the food?

Tip No. 3

This tip is multifaceted. Eat as big of a variety as possible. Eat what is in season to the best of your ability. Introduce yourself to new foods, and be brave. Enlist a roommate, a friend, or someone to try new things with you on a regular basis. Set a specific goal for this. There are so many great recipes out there to try. Make a goal that at least once a week you try something new, it’s exciting!!!

Once you get comfortable with these changes then start with more specific dos and don’t. Make food choices and meals as easy as possible. These changes take time but are worth it. The change may be slow but there will be improvement. Each change to the good you make, no matter how small will bring about a positive result. That “How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time!” proverb is so true.

Tip No. 4

Drink filtered water. Lots of it every day. You hear a lot of different amounts and it makes a difference if you are performing strenuous work and whether you are indoors or outdoors. As a general rule, I try to drink a glass of water when I first get up, yes even before coffee! Then I have my coffee and my extra in the first cup. After a couple of hours I start watching and drinking a cup an hour. It wasn’t easy at first but now I can’t imagine not drinking water all day. It makes a significant difference in your health. Some studies state that most people live in a dehydrated state and if you feel thirsty you are most likely already dehydrated. A good rule of thumb I found was that you should try to drink between half an ounce and a full ounce of water for each pound you weigh, every day. For example, if you weigh 200 pounds, it is recommended you drink 100 ounces of water if you are performing non-strenuous activities. That is roughly 12.5 cups a day. There are 16 cups to a gallon, so that is not even a gallon a day. You can do that!!!

Biohacking Solution is Changing My Husband and I

My husband and I are on the same journey of health through eating better, weightloss and quality sleep. We found that was not enough to give us the results we were looking for in a timely manner. Face it, we are getting old and do not have years to get this all right. LOL! We want to enjoy our lives now and in the future so we made the simple choice to join the biohacking community. We searched and researched and chose four products to put in our daily routine. The two videos highlight two major products.


My husband is faithfully using the Sleep Aid, the Nitric Oxide Boost product, the Leading Edge Nanotechnology Brain Boost, and the EMF Protection Medallion. He is sleeping better than he has in decades, has started losing weight, and brain fog is clearing. He sits in front of a computer and talks on his cell phone all day so the EMF protection is an absolute must.


I love the Nitric Oxide Boost product which also makes me look and feel younger. The Nanotechnology Brain Boost has helped my mood and brain fog and will not forget to take it ever again! I also use the second product that works to help control cravings, boost my metabolism, and support a better body composition. The fourth product that I never leave home without, actually is virtually always on me and that is the EMF Protection Medallion.

As we walk through this journey I will be checking in with our progress. I invite you to check out these products and the company itself. We are very impressed with the integrity of this company and its leadership. If you are looking for a side gig contact us.

Be Sure to Reach Out and Contact Us for More Information. Once we add you officially into our Online Community we get to “GIFT YOU” with more and more and more! See How to Contact Us Here.